Tegma’s Compliance area ensures that all company and supliers activities are in compliance with the law, with internal policies and processes, with the Code of Ethics and Conduct in addition to the Suppliers’ Code of Conduct
The Integrity System is the set of disciplines and practices aimed at compliance and is supported by the pillars of prevention, detection and correction. The focus is on prevention, which is done through the adoption of policies, processes, controls, communications and training.
On the pillar of detection, we have the Tegma Confidential Channel. It is a secure, confidential and confidential channel, operated by an outsourced company, which receives anonymous or identified manifestations from employees, third parties, suppliers, customers and society in general. For each protest, a protocol number is generated and the progress can be tracked by the protester. Only the Compliance team accesses the information recorded and is responsible for the verification.
Once an irregularity is confirmed, the correction pillar requires us to analyze the situation and restore compliance.
The identification, suspicion or the occurrence of deviations or violations that contravene the law, rules or policies of Tegma must be immediately communicated to the Tegma Confidential Channel through the following means of contact: